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骆冰淫传 NASA's Mars helicopter completes 56 flights on Mars - 好色电影院


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骆冰淫传 NASA's Mars helicopter completes 56 flights on Mars

发布日期:2024-07-20 05:37    点击次数:69

骆冰淫传 NASA's Mars helicopter completes 56 flights on Mars


The screenshot taken from NASA's website on Aug. 16, 2023 shows the image of a Mars helicopter. (Xinhua)


The helicopter has completed 100.2 flying minutes on Mars, covering 12.9 kilometers, and reaching altitudes as high as 18 meters骆冰淫传, according to NASA.

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 31 (Xinhua) -- NASA's Mars helicopter has completed 56 flights on the Red Planet, the agency said on Thursday.

The helicopter had its 56th flight on Aug. 25, in which it reached an altitude of 12 meters and traveled 410 meters for 141 seconds, according to NASA.

The helicopter, named Ingenuity, arrived at Mars' Jezero Crater on Feb. 18, 2021, attached to the belly of NASA's Perseverance rover. The helicopter is a technology demonstration to test powered flight on another planet for the first time.

The helicopter was designed to fly for up to 90 seconds, to distances of almost 300 meters at a time and about 3 to 4.5 meters from the ground, according to NASA.

So far骆冰淫传, it has completed 100.2 flying minutes on Mars, covering 12.9 kilometers, and reaching altitudes as high as 18 meters, according to NASA.  ■

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